Thursday, September 29, 2005

Week#6 Winner: *Dragonfly*

This Week's Winner: *Dragonfly*
Week#6 - 9/30-10/6

Photo: You are beautiful the way you are

Like about photo: I like the colours and the different messages it gets across to the viewer.

Camera: Canon 350D

Dislike about photo: hmm...maybe if the image of the head was a bit smaller it would've looked better.

You are beautiful the way you are

"Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison"

-Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

Dedicated to all individuals who think they're not "beautiful enough". You are more beautiful than you think. Let your personality shine through and believe in yourself and who you are. Ugliness is a word that does not exist!

Model is reading Bobbi Brown's "Teen Beauty"

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Week#5 Winner: vvt!

about to be popped...
Originally uploaded by vvt.
This Week's Winner: vvt!
Week#5 - 9/23-9/29

Photo: about to be popped...

Like about photo: I managed to catch it just at the right time before george popped it and destroyed it.

Camera: Fuji finepix s5500

Dislike about photo: The composition could be slightly better but it was rushed shot.The small bubbles at the bottom also spoil it a little in my mind. (hope i've done that right...)

about to be popped...

George on a mission!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Week#4 Winner: Finiky!

YEAH Baby !
Originally uploaded by Finiky.
This Week's Winner: Finiky!
Week#4 - 9/16-9/22

Photo: YEAH Baby!

Like about photo: I love the moment captured. If animals feel happiness it was captured when Ernie the duck came up out of the water.

Camera: Nikon D70 (no flash)

Dislike about photo: the water in the background... not sure if its a bokeh or f-stop - exposure issue.

YEAH Baby !

Ernie after a refreshing dive... I love the look of "happiness" on his face, er uh, bill

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Week#3 Winner: jwk!

Originally uploaded by jwk.
This Week's Winner: jwk!
Week#3 - 9/9-9/15

Photo: Oasis

Like about photo: I've always liked they way this hot dog stand looks at night with all its lights on. I had my tripod with me this night, so I was finally able to get a shot.

Camera: Canon S2 IS

Dislike about photo: The neon "Open" sign is a little blown out.


This is what a hot dog cart looks like when it is late and you are hungry. Fantasies fulfilled, two bucks at a time ;)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Week#2 Winner: Fack to Bront!

Professor Taggart IV
Originally uploaded by Fack to Bront.
This Week's Winner:
Fack to Bront!
Week#2 - 9/2-9/8

Photo: Professor Taggart IV

Best thing: Despite the mans age - I felt I captured the life in his eyes pretty well.

Camera: Nikon D70

Worst thing: I didn't notice the band of wood either side of his head when composing the shot - so much to learn in the attention to detail dept.